Phantom wallet guide

Step 1: Install Phantom Wallet

  1. Open your preferred web browser (Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox).
  2. Go to the official Phantom Wallet website at
  3. Click on the "Install Phantom" button. This will direct you to the web browser's extension store (e.g., Chrome Web Store for Google Chrome).
  4. Click the "Add to Chrome" or "Add to Firefox" button to install the Phantom Wallet extension.
  5. Once installed, you'll see the Phantom Wallet icon in your browser's toolbar.

Step 2: Create a New Wallet

  1. Click on the Phantom Wallet icon in your browser's toolbar.
  2. You'll be prompted to create a new wallet. Click "Create a New Wallet."
  3. Set a strong and secure password for your wallet. Make sure to remember or securely store this password, as it's required to access your wallet.
  4. After setting your password, you'll be presented with a seed phrase. This is a crucial backup that allows you to recover your wallet if you ever forget your password or lose access. Write down the seed phrase and store it securely. Do not share it with anyone.

Step 3: Confirm Your Seed Phrase

  1. Confirm your seed phrase by selecting the words in the correct order. This step helps ensure you've written down your seed phrase accurately.

Step 4: Access Your Wallet

  1. Once your seed phrase is confirmed, you'll gain access to your Phantom Wallet. Here, you can view your Solana account balance and perform various operations.

Step 5: Add Solana Tokens

  1. To add Solana tokens to your wallet, click on the "Add Token" button.
  2. You can search for the specific Solana token you want to add or paste its address. Click "Add" to include it in your wallet.

Step 6: Send and Receive Solana

  1. To send Solana, click on the "Send" button. Enter the recipient's Solana address, the amount you want to send, and an optional memo.
  2. To receive Solana, click on the "Receive" button. Share your Solana address with the sender, and they can send tokens to your wallet.